For consideration at CZCA 2000 Annual Meeting
Coastal Zone Canada Association
Bedford Institute of Oceanography
, Dartmouth, NS,
E-mail: <>
Letter of Understanding Between:
1. Introduction
The purpose of this Letter of Understanding (LOU) is to specify the relationship between, and the responsibilities of, both parties in establishing and operating provincial, territorial and regional chapters of the Coastal Zone Canada Association.
2. Related Documents
The following documents are relevant to this LOU and should be consulted:
- By-Laws of the Coastal Zone Canada Association, 1998;
- Letter of Agreement between the Coastal Zone Canada Association and the Coastal Zone Canada 2000 Conference Organizing Committee, 1999.
3. Definitions
- CZC as used in this document denotes the words ACoastal Zone Canada.@
- Coastal Zone Canada Association (herein ASSOCIATION) B A national, charitable organization that focuses on the coastal zone and is incorporated under the Canada Corporations Act.
- Coastal Zone Canada Association Objectives B Promotion of the appreciation, awareness and understanding of the uniqueness and value of coastal areas; and provision of a forum for the exchange of ideas and information concerning the sustainable use and development of Canadian and international coastal areas through meetings, conferences, documentation and other means.
- Coastal Zone Canada Association Board of Directors B The body comprising the elected directors and officers of the Association that has responsibility for the management of the activities of the Association.
- Coastal Zone Canada Association Provincial Chapter (herein CHAPTER) B A subsidiary body of the Association whose membership corresponds to a specific province, and which has a primary focus on coastal issues within that province.
- Coastal Zone Canada Association Territorial Chapter (herein CHAPTER) B A subsidiary body of the Association whose membership corresponds to a specific territory, and which has a primary focus on coastal issues within that territory.
- Coastal Zone Canada Association Regional Chapter (herein CHAPTER) B A subsidiary body of the Association whose membership corresponds to a geographic area other than a specific province or territory, is not national in scope, and which has a primary focus on coastal issues within that region.
- Coastal Zone Canada Conference B A conference that has been designated by the Coastal Zone Canada Association as a conference in the Coastal Zone Canada Conference Series.
4. Relationship between the Association and its Chapters
The relationship between the ASSOCIATION (through its Officers and Board of Directors) and its CHAPTERS is one of cooperation in furthering the objectives of the Association. While individual Chapters have considerable flexibility to pursue initiatives pertaining to their geographic area, it is important that the programs and projects of the overall organization be coordinated, that there be similarity in organizational and management aspects, and that the bylaws of the various Chapters correspond to one another and to the bylaws of the Association. This Letter of Understanding sets out the responsibilities of the ASSOCIATION and the CHAPTER in order to facilitate an effective relationship.
5. Responsibilities of the Association (Officers and Board of Directors)
- The ASSOCIATION shall provide advice to the CHAPTER (either on its own initiative or as requested by the Chapter) in such organizational areas as: the formation of a Chapter; incorporation under provincial or territorial legislation; and cooperation among Chapters.
- The ASSOCIATION=S Treasurer shall provide ongoing financial advice to the CHAPTER=S Treasurer as required and/or requested.
If a CHAPTER anticipates seeking charitable funding, it shall apply for Registered Charity status as soon as it is formed. Until such time as the Chapter obtains its own Registered Charity status, the ASSOCIATION can issue appropriate receipts for donations to the Chapter in accordance with its designation as a Registered Charity under the Income Tax Act. The Association shall assist Chapters in applying for and obtaining Registered Charity status. (Note: Because the Association and the Chapter are separately incorporated associations, with independently administered financial transactions, they cannot operate as a single Registered Charity under the Income Tax Act).
- The ASSOCIATION shall take into consideration the coastal projects and other activities of CHAPTERS when compiling national documents, such as overviews, position papers and press releases, and when making presentations and briefings, both spoken and written, in order to ensure that a comprehensive picture of the organization=s activities is provided.
6. Responsibilities of the Chapter
- The CHAPTER shall support the objectives of the ASSOCIATION;
- The CHAPTER shall play the lead role in convening, organizing and conducting Coastal Zone Canada (CZC) Conferences in its area (note this may involve more than one chapter);
- The CHAPTER shall ensure that its bylaws complement, and are not in conflict with, the bylaws of the ASSOCIATION;
- The CHAPTER shall provide to the ASSOCIATION, within a period of one month of compilation, copies of the minutes of its meetings, financial statements, and technical reports.
- The CHAPTER shall incorporate the ASSOCIATION=S logo in its technical documents and promotional material;
- The CHAPTER shall be responsible for any financial liabilities arising from its activities, including CZC Conferences convened within its area;
- The CHAPTER shall seek the approval of the ASSOCIATION before embarking on broad strategies that could have national implications (this is in order to maintain the integrity of national initiatives that are planned or underway to forward new ideas and/or strategic directions developed by the Association to various levels of government and/or non-governmental organizations).
7. Signatures of the Parties
$ Signed on behalf of the Coastal Zone Canada Association
$ Signed on behalf of the Chapter
Name of Chapter