This is now less than four months away, on June 23-28 in Hamilton , Ontario.
The conference, also known as "Managing Shared Waters-Towards Sustainable
Transboundary Coastal Ecosystems", is a joint initiative of : the Coastal
Zone Canada Association; Pollution Probe; and the United Nations University
- International Network on Water, Environment & Health. Patrick Lawrence,
CZCA Vice-President (Great Lakes), is a key member of the conference
committee. It is being held at the Hamilton Convention Centre. CZC 2002 is
the fifth in the series of CZCA biennial conferences, with each conference
building on the recommendations of the previous conference. For information
on the conference please consult the conference Web-site (see below), which
includes the various forms required for the conference, including the
Registration Form. Note that early (i.e., cheaper) registration ends on
April 1st. Plan to attend CZC '2002 now!
Conference Web site:
The Association's biennial award, known as the "H.B. Nicholls Award for
Coastal Zone Management Achievement", is presented at Coastal Zone Canada
Conferences. The first award was made in 2000. The second award will be made
at this year's conference. The award consists of a plaque containing the
CZCA logo. A nominating committee for the 2002 award is in the process of
being formed, and nominations are now invited from the membership of the
Candidates for the award must meet the following criteria:
- - They must be individuals or organizations.
- - The contribution to coastal zone management must have been made in
Canada, and may include trans-boundary or international elements.
- - The contribution to coastal zone management must be significant, as
determined by the nominating committee.
The procedure for making nominations involves submitting a letter (or
e-mail) of nomination to the Nominating Committee, providing the details
listed below. It should be sent to the committee, c/o the CZCA Secretariat
(, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, B4A 1N7;
- - Name, address, contact and position of the nominee;
- - Name, address, contact and position of the nominator;
- - Contribution to the field of coastal zone management by the nominee;
- - Why nominee's contribution is significant;
- - CV of the person nominated, or organizational history or other
appropriate profile of the nominated body;
- - Letters of support from two other individuals, not related to nominee or
nominator, or not a member of organization nominated;
- - Any other supporting materials, including publications, press clippings,
other work and interests, etc.
The Nominating Committee's task is to provide a short-list of nominees for
the award to the Board of Directors, who make the final decision. The final
date for receipt of nominations at the CZC Secretariat is 10 May, 2002.
Some (many?) members may not be aware that the Association's Board of
Directors, including the officers, meet via conference call approximately
four times per year. Under the chair of the President of the Association,
Barry Jones, these conference calls have been increasingly effective in
conducting the Association's business. It is planned to incorporate the
minutes of future meetings in the Association's new Web-site (one with a
more-easily identifiable URL), which is expected to be up-and-running in the
near future. Also to be included in the Web-site are key Association
documents, such as "Beyond 2000" and the conference version of "Baseline
As in previous years, the 2002 AGM of the Association will be held at the
Coastal Zone Canada Conference in Hamilton. It will be held on Wednesday 26
June at the Sheraton Hotel (room # to be announced), commencing at 7 p.m.
The hotel is adjacent to, and has a direct connection with, the Hamilton
Convention Centre, the site of the conference. The meeting will include the
election of officers and directors for the next two-year period. While
attending CZC '2002, be sure to take-in the Association's AGM.
It is now definite, CZC '2004 will be held in St. John's, Newfoundland in
June, 2004. Members of the 2004 Conference Committee will be at CZC '2002 to
promote the event.
CZCA maintains close links with a number of organizations that focus solely
on the coastal zone, or include the coastal zone in their sphere of
interest. Among these are are: Atlantic Coastal Zone Information Steering
Committee (ACZISC) (CZCA contact - Mike Butler); International Oceans
Institute of Canada (IOIC) (CZCA contact - Mike Butler); The World
Conservation Union (IUCN) (CZCA contact - Chris Morry); Canadian Coastal
Science & Engineering Association (CCSEA) (CZCA contact - Larry Hildebrand);
The Coastal Society (CZCA contact - Larry Hildebrand). Additional
organizations are added from time to time, and we will list more in future
issues. Also in future issues, we will outline the Association's involvement
with specific organizations in more detail. In the meantime, if you require
additional information on any of these links, please get in touch with the
CZCA contact person named above.